In my previous post, I summarized the little-known method of removing derogatory credit items from your credit report using the verification inquiries based on laws in the Fair Credit Reporting Act.  Many people on the internet charging a fee for this information refer to this method as “609 Credit Verification” or “609 Credit dispute.”  The name is only partially accurate, but that doesn’t matter.  What matters is that you know why you’re doing what you’re about to do.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act dictates that the credit reporting agencies are to verify all information received from creditors before they put it in your credit file.  The law recognizes proper verification as a contract or application with your signature on it.  When was the last time you actually signed a credit card application?

This law was practical when it was written, as facsimile machines were the technology of the time, and the banks no longer had to snail-mail copies of the contracts into the agencies.  But with the increased use of the internet and electronic data filing, it just became more efficient to use software that electronically pulls your information from the bank database and sends it electronically over to the credit agencies, which they then place into your credit file for all potential creditors to see.  They do this with NO actual verification that you even signed a contract or application!  They are breaking the law!

Additionally, you need to understand that the Fair Credit Reporting Act also states that you have the right to know the information in your credit file pertaining to you, the consumer (not your creditors), but you can only have the right to this information if your request is made in writing and if you can properly verify your identity with a driver’s license and Social Security card.

If you understand these two key points of the law, you can easily get started removing derogatory marks from your credit report and raise your credit score!  Are you ready to begin?  Then let’s get started!


  1. Hello,
    Thank you for your wonderful post on the section 609 credit dispute letters. Wondering if you provided your signature on your letters or had them notarized? I’ve read multiple takes on this. Also, do you write in anything in the 3rd section of the accounts you are disputing where it days provide physical verification? I’ve seen sample letters that list things like “unauthorized account”, or unauthorized late payments, etc.. or is it sufficient to just leave in every box “provide physical verification”? Thanks again!

    1. Thanks for your comment. I merely signed the letters, included a photocopy of my photo I.D. for I.D. verification, and mailed the letters via Certified Mail. As far as the third column of the table listing the accounts, I wrote “Provide physical verification” for each account listed, as I wanted to make it abundantly clear that is exactly what I wanted for each account.

  2. Does this work for student loans? Also credit inquiries? I have paid off mostly everything else on my credit report.

    1. Hi Annie,
      I’ve had credit inquiries removed, so yes these letters work for that. I never tried with my student loans, as they were in good standing long term. Your best bet with student loans is to contact your loan servicer and make some kind of arrangement. I’ve found student loan servicing agents to be very easy to work with, very understanding, and they often go in and update your credit file very quickly after making a deal with them. Especially if you’ve managed to pay off everything else on your credit report, PLEASE call the student loan company and make a payment plan with them. That debt will never go away and you will continue to accrue interest, so contacting them as soon as possible and renegotiating your payments will get you in the black and raise your credit score quicker than you realize.

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