Water Fast Update Day5 (Warning! Graphic)

I’m 18 hours into Day 5 of my water fast and I’ve still got a good amount of energy.  I did get tired out after making my bed, cleaning up the kitchen and vacuuming, but a few minutes rest was all I needed to feel re-energized.  I’m still not feeling any hunger, and I was even able to make breakfast for the family this morning with no temptation whatsoever.

I had another bizarre dream last night; one I want to share because I thought it was funny.  I had arrived at some type of party where a cute little elderly man had brought a sheet-size bakery cake to celebrate.  Before the other guests arrived, I grabbed the cake and stuffed all of it.  I ate the whole thing!  Then I felt so ashamed about it that I was frantically trying to get someone else to make another case.  Also I was very upset that I had ruined my fast.  Although I was very relieved to wake up at 3:00 a.m. and realize I had just been dreaming, my panic returned when I realized I needed to use the bathroom – fast!

I made it just in time (and here’s where the gross detail comes in) but eliminated the most vile stool I have ever encountered.  I believe the term is biliary.  It was evident by the color and odor that it was primarily bile I was secreting along with a lot of mucus.  In doing my research, I understand that this is merely evidence of the body resolving liver issues.  It’s happened several times since and I’m continually drinking a lot of water to help things along.  While it is very uncomfortable, I’m just thankful that I’m not feeling any nausea.

That’s all I’ve got for now!  I’ll keep you posted!

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